“The choice of country service will no longer be indicated by domain. Instead, by default, you’ll be served the country service that corresponds to your location. So if you live in Australia, you’ll automatically receive the country service for Australia, but when you travel to New Zealand, your results will switch automatically to the country service for New Zealand. Upon return to Australia, you will seamlessly revert back to the Australian country service. If for some reason you don’t see the right country when you’re browsing, you can still go into settings and select the correct country service you want to receive.”
Des Weiteren teilte Google mit, dass die ccTLD (country code TOP Level Domain) – zum Beispiel eine .de Endung für Deutschland – künftig keine Relevanz mehr hat. Wörtlich schreibt Google hierzu:
“Typing the relevant ccTLD in your browser will no longer bring you to the various country services. This preference should be managed directly in settings. In addition, at the bottom of the search results page, you can clearly see which country service you are currently using.”
Insofern sollten diese Google Suchkriterien-Änderungen gut bedacht werden.
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